Virtual Arduino


Virtual arduino course

Course Information

Estimated Time: 4 weeks

Course Instructor

Centrado Centrado Author

Virtual Arduino

SALE Original price was: Rs.2,799.00.Current price is: Rs.1,799.00.

Economy plan

17 Comments to “Virtual Arduino”


    1. Happy Tinkering!

  2. Hai

  3. Hi. Happy Tinkering!

  4. Mam it’s coming it’s private

    1. Hi. You will be given access to the video lessons shortly. You can contact us through mobile, for support.
      Happy Learning!

    2. Hi happy Tinkering

  5. after creating a tinkercad account it is asking for approval and invite code

  6. Mam please say me when is my cource is ending

    1. On completion of the quiz module, you can collect your certificate

  7. It says you must enroll to access this content and “Alert content is protected”. What to do? Can you give me access to view these videos?

  8. Super

  9. ATL LAB

  10. ATL LAB

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